Your Theme for 2024

Your Theme for 2024

What’s Your Theme for 2024? Every December, I look for a theme to carry into the New Year. I don’t force it. I simply stay open to inspiration from things I read or hear – and listen for a compelling thought that lights me up. I always recognize it when it...
Fear of Rejection

Fear of Rejection

Why do we allow our fears to keep us stuck, shut us down, dissolve our confidence, sap our energy, extinguish our enthusiasm, and steal our dreams? Fear manifests differently for each of us; and yet, it can be as basic as this: We simply haven’t thought it all the way...
Your Path to Excellence

Your Path to Excellence

Basketball is one of my favorite sports, and right now the NBA playoffs are taking center court! In honor of the game, join me on a favorite path to excellence laid out by legendary men’s college basketball coach, Dean Smith. Coach Smith coached for 36 years at the...