Basketball is one of my favorite sports, and right now the NBA playoffs are taking center court! In honor of the game, join me on a favorite path to excellence laid out by legendary men’s college basketball coach, Dean Smith.

Coach Smith coached for 36 years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – his student roster included such NBA greats as Michael Jordan, Larry Brown, James Worthy, Billy Cunningham, Antawn Jamison, Jerry Stackhouse, Vince Carter, and many more – the Basketball Hall of Fame called him “a coaching legend.”

As Coach Smith said, “I think the real free person in society is one that’s disciplined. It’s the one that can choose; that is the free one.”

Here are the five aspects of Coach Smith’s path to excellence – and freedom:

Play the Right Way
Play Hard
Play Together
Play Smart
Have Fun

Let’s see how these five statements can accelerate your journey!

Play the Right Way
Nothing is more important than your word. As you share your message about your products and business, always come from a position of truth, high character and authenticity.

Remember that people ‘buy’ you as much as they buy your product, service or company. Customer retention, ongoing referrals and team growth and development are all reflections of earned TRUST and RESPECT that come from playing the right way!

Play Hard
Life is full of distractions … and the leaders who truly want to reach the top learn to accept and understand that all distractions are equal. Our ability to deal with life – and still find ways to stay involved and committed to our business – is the key to high achievement.

Play hard and FIND THE TIME to work on your business CONSISTENTLY.

Play Together
Your team is the real basis for success. There are only so many hours in the day – and if you want exponential growth for your business, you can’t do it all alone. Building and leading your team are key to fulfilling your dreams.

It is only through leaning into a leadership role that you begin to define the type of leader you choose to be. Your job as a leader is not to MOTIVATE people, but to find MOTIVATED people. To find people who are willing to take action and take the necessary steps to make their dreams come true.  A proven strategy to play together effectively is to learn to WORK WITH THE WILLING.

Play Smart
So many entreprenuers get hung up on administrative details and don’t take the time to focus on the activities that will move their business forward. Take a close look at your calendar – how are you allocating your time? Put administrative and management tasks in perspective and prioritize sales-creating activities.

One of the unique aspects of the Direct Selling business is that your company provides a proven system of activities that anyone can master. You want your business to be ‘SYSTEM DEPENDENT’ rather than ‘sponsor,’ ‘experience,’ or ‘personality’ dependent. When you reinvent the wheel, you simply sabotage your success. So, play smart and SURRENDER TO THE SYSTEM.

Have Fun
As an entrepreneur, you know that your business is a major component of your life – so you’d better be having fun! When you enjoy your products, services, clients and customers, you’re bound to have more success. Gratitude plays a big role, so remember to be grateful for everyone who has helped you get to where you are.

For those of you with a Direct Selling business, the first 30-60 days of your new Consultants’ career is a pivotal time. So, it just makes sense to advise them to get off to a fast start. The faster they start, the greater the odds they will go the distance. We want them to have fun! And it’s WAY MORE FUN TO GO FAST than slow! So set the pace, have fun and teach your team to do the same.

I recommend that, like Coach Smith (and me), you post the Path to Excellence list in your office and get inspired to be the champion you desire to be. If this is your time, let these lessons from a legend propel you to the the top!  I’ll see you there!