No matter where you are in life
you can choose to design an inspired life!

Many people spend lifetimes living on auto pilot because things are good enough. The question then becomes: “Is good enough really your best life?”

  • Do you have an unrealized vision for your life, yet don’t know how to bring it into focus?
  • Are there aspects of your life you wish were different, yet you don’t know what to do?
  • Are you settling in important areas of life because you just haven’t thought it through?
  • What fears or limiting beliefs are stopping you from making a change?
  • What do you wish to add to your life, but lack the belief or direction to take action?

Too often when lives, plans and priorities change, people get stuck. The key is how courageously you choose to ADAPT to change, rather than resist.

When you attend an Inspired Retired™ live event or enroll in an online course, you will learn how to:

  • Create a clear and compelling vision for your life
  • Apply simple methods for moving through change
  • Recognize where in your life you are settling and how you can make a shift
  • Overcome the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Identify exactly what you want to add to your life and how to take action

No more delays. There are options. Now is the time to act. You can do this!

We don’t know how many years we have left or what the future holds. Now is the time to proactively design this chapter of your life – and turn your dreams into reality.

We invite you to live the life you were meant to live! We invite you to be an Inspired Retired™!

Response to Inspired Retired™

“I’m just coming through some of my darkest days. I needed to be reminded I have the courage to move ahead.”

“Leslie has great energy, openness, and a deep appreciation for life. It emanates from her as she transports her audience into a world of joy, fulfillment, and possibilities.”

“This presentation far exceeded my expectations. The way Leslie interacted with the audience held our attention and created a safe and fun space to learn and grow.”

“Leslie was both thought-provoking and entertaining. I would love for her to do more presentations locally.”

“Very engaging and entertaining. She left me pondering my life’s choices.”

“Leslie is a superb presenter. She interjects her life stories with good humor and humility.”

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