This week I’d like you to consider your internal dialogue … your self-talk.

What are the thoughts you are thinking every day … thoughts that don’t serve you?  You know the thoughts:

“I can’t sell,” “I’m not a leader,” “I can’t keep up with today’s technology,” “I’m always late,” “I can’t do numbers,” “I’m not a business person,” “I can’t get organized,” “I never have enough time.”

Just consider for a moment: by repeating these thoughts or saying them out loud, you are defining yourself.  What?  Yes, you are defining the person you are today.  Whoa!

With that new perspective, ask yourself, do you want to be that person?

Do you want to be the person who is always late, who can’t lead, who can’t sell, who can’t keep up with technology or isn’t good with numbers?

Do you want to go on being that person?   If the answer is NO, then my recommendation is to STOP saying it.

Now, the decision to change isn’t easy and will take some self-compassion.  Understand that you’ve been repeating your thoughts for a long time. It will take some practice to break the habit and create a new belief.

I recently read online that each day the average person has about 50,000 thoughts.  And of those tens of thousands of thoughts, a vast majority are negative.  It’s fascinating really.  I mean, who sold us that plan?

One of the many gifts of daily Personal Development is how we start paying attention to our thoughts.  And when our thoughts change, our feelings change … which makes it easier to take new and better actions that create new results and change our lives.  BAM!

My challenge to you today: First, find the courage to become aware of your negative or limiting thoughts. Then, identify someone you trust in your life … perhaps your spouse, a friend, a parent … and ask them to compassionately call you out when you declare your limiting thought(s) and ask you to choose a better one.

This will take some time AND it will be a process.  I know we don’t move from “I can’t be a Leader” to “I’m the best Leader around” in one easy step.  I recommend you find believable “stretch” thoughts that move you in the right direction.  “I can’t be a leader” can become “I know I can be a leader” then “I am a leader and it’s easier than I thought” and finally to “I am a Leader doing the best I can.”

Give yourself a reasonable period to break the habit and turn your limiting thoughts into positive new statements.

“I love sharing my products,” “I’m the best leader I can be,” “I am excited about today’s technology,” “I’m always early,” “I love numbers,” “I’m a competent business person,” “I’m uber organized,” “I have time to do what I choose to do.”

Choose to take charge of your thoughts and create the life you desire.

Thoughts are things … choose wisely my friends.