Over the past two posts, we’ve been exploring a marvelous quote from Marianne Williamson. It was so impactful for me, it’s inspired me to explore the idea “Out of the Blue” and how it connects to my personal and professional life.

Here is the quote for reference:

“The miracle of illumination does not come from rational evidence; it comes literally from ‘out of the blue,’ a consummate visual symbol for the realms of pure potentiality.  The potential for infinite breakthrough emerges when our proactive embrace of the light is even greater than our fear of the dark.”

Last time we discussed how, when we let our “rational” thoughts stop us, we are letting the door slam closed and shutting out our “out-of-the-blue” experiences.

Why purposefully shut the door? The nature of our profession literally holds the door open for each of us to experience pure potentiality – that unlimited upside.

So, what if you experienced a miracle of illumination today? What would it be like to see pure potentiality, without fear?

With pure potentiality, you’d see things differently as you build your Direct Selling business. With the miracle of illumination, you’d see the potential in every moment – not only in the next person, referral, or sale – but also in each No, or Not now, or disappointment. You’d see unexpected events outside your control as potential positive lessons on your journey rather than roadblocks.

With illumination, you’d easily experience more nonattachment. Failure, success and rejection wouldn’t be able to paralyze you. You’d be free to move on however you choose.

With illumination, it would be impossible to feel pushy or inauthentic when extending your offer, because you’d be focused on the person you’re talking to, their concerns, their potential and your intent to serve them. You wouldn’t even make your offer unless you see it is an act of generosity, to change someone’s life for the better when they are open to it. And if they’re not interested, you wouldn’t take it personally. Their disinterest would in no way affect your ultimate success, your credibility, your passion for your business or your joy in talking to new people.

Even without illumination, you can probably understand the potential of your business: of what CAN happen. The success stories are all around you. That’s rational. But with PURE potentiality – you don’t even know what can ultimately happen, do you? And that’s so exciting!

Think about it. We’ve all heard stories of miracles that don’t make any sense, like bumping into just the right stranger in an incredible coincidence; seeing an astonishing wave of new interest and activity arise in a formerly inactive team member; or having a long-nurtured and seemingly fruitless contact suddenly refer the perfect business partner, or for that matter, become your newest business partner.

With pure potentiality, you can’t begin to imagine how good it can get!  It’s unlimited in scope. That’s why it’s called pure potentiality, right?

Be willing to see things differently. All you have to do is hold the door and welcome your out-of-the-blue experiences.