Do you wake up some mornings wondering what the heck you’re doing with your business?  Do you easily lose focus?  Are you frequently distracted?   Do you take days or even weeks off without taking any action?  Do you have any idea what is keeping you stuck?

It could be as simple as lacking the necessary clarity to move forward.  You may have lost your Reason Why.  And if so, it’s time to find it!

One of the most important exercises you can do to get unstuck and pick up the pace is to create clarity around your Reason Why for building your business.  Champions are crystal clear on exactly what is driving them emotionally to develop a successful Direct Selling business.  How clear are you?

Now … stop rolling your eyes.  I know what some of you are thinking.  “Leslie, I wrote down my Reason Why when I started my business.  I know what it is.  And really … what makes you think this is going to help me get unstuck?   Everyone talks about their Why.   Enough with the Why, already!”

Here’s my simple response: “NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the importance of having an inspired and ever-expanding Reason Why for building your business.

When your Why is clear and compelling … it becomes a driver for consistency, accountability, focus and courage.

When your Why is vague … it’s easy to make excuses, settle, stay stuck or quit.

So, let’s roll with this today.  Here are some action steps you can take to harness the power of your Why.

1)  On paper, revisit your Why and regain some fresh, current clarity on what is driving you to build your business.

2)  Set an appointment to review your Why with your Sponsor or an upline mentor.  It’s important to declare it out loud.

3)  As you sponsor new people onto your team, make sure they establish their Reason Why and declare it to you.

By taking the time to create clarity around your vision … by clearly defining your Reason Why … you will learn to understand what drives you, what you want to attract into your life and what your dreams are. This clarity will help you find the discipline to joyfully, authentically, consistently and enthusiastically take immediate and consistent action to create success.

And by reviewing the Reason Why of the people you enroll, you will be a more effective Sponsor.  By understanding what drives them, what their dreams are and by helping them set their initial goals … you can use their Reason Why to ground them through the ups and downs of their journey … and keep them moving forward.

It’s an amazing exercise that duplicates to serve everyone.  Ideally you want to create a culture that inspires each member of your team to find the courage to step into their greatness.  This becomes possible when each of you is inspired by the overwhelming clarity of your own personal Reason Why.