As you build your direct selling business, you make critical choices every day.  You get to choose which activities you are willing to do to move your business forward.

Some are comfortable and easy for you … like posting on Facebook, talking to happy customers and responding to emails.  Others are more challenging and take you out of your comfort zone … like talking to new people about your business, asking for referrals, and making three-way calls.

Your actions create your results.  And the PACE of your actions can create results FASTER. It takes the same amount of time whether you’re answering emails or talking to new people.  If you want your business to grow faster … do more of those challenging activities that support prospecting.

For many Consultants … the PACE of their prospecting is simply not at the PACE necessary to meet their goals.  They just aren’t talking to enough people.

For example, if you are talking to only two or three people a week, that’s certainly a PACE.  And we call it SLOW.

Since you are the boss and nobody can “make” you do anything … it just makes sense to learn which activities are the income-producing and pace-setting activities, and then commit to doing those activities first every day. I call this learning to “Pay Yourself First!”

The most effective way to “Pay Yourself First” is to make sure you take action and complete your prospecting and sponsoring activities before anything else.

I recommend you set weekly goals for the following activities and track your results month over month.  The number of:

  • Social Networking outreach
  • Calls to your prospects
  • Follow-up calls
  • Referrals you ask for
  • Three-way calls you make with your Sponsor or upline leader
  • Virtual events you host
  • Networking events you attend
  • People you invite to local Business Presentations

Take an honest look at your PACE.  How often are you really talking to new people?

You can control the PACE of your business by the number of new people you talk to and how fast you talk to them.

NOTE TO SELF: As you find the courage to stretch yourself, place yourself outside of your comfort zone, and fight your resistance to doing those things that make you uncomfortable … you may start noticing some loud, limiting self-talk.  “Why isn’t anyone joining me?”  “Why can’t I sponsor?”  “Why would anyone join me?”

REMINDER TO SELF: The perception of what’s possible is on the other side of fear.   You owe it to yourself to step through your fears and discover your greatness.  It can be painful … and yes, it takes courage … BUT it’s worth it!

Make a commitment to “Pay Yourself First” and reap the rewards of new growth, expanding volume and higher income!  Overcome your limiting beliefs and take pride in your shift in personal power. “Pay Yourself First” and experience the satisfaction of success both inside and out.

If you didn’t get last week’s free worksheet, just click here to fill your prospecting funnel.