OK my friends, let’s focus on our potential for ‘infinite breakthrough.’  To begin, we’ll revisit what Marianne has to say about holding the door open:

“The potential for infinite breakthrough emerges when our proactive embrace of the light is even greater than our fear of the dark.”

~ Marianne Williamson

I believe infinite breakthrough comes from developing and holding the posture of being unstoppable.  It’s what I call being a Champion. It comes when we find the courage to continue to take confident action, regardless of our fears, our doubts or our perceived outcomes.

When you hold the posture of a Champion, you confidently talk to anyone, post online with authenticity, bravely do anything, and courageously try anything. Neither the possibility of failure, nor the actual experience of failure, can stop you.

In terms of your Direct Selling business, you literally become ‘unstoppable.’ You are coachable and embrace your company’s business system. You willingly adopt new skills. You invest in your learning. You find the discipline to take consistent action. You commit to personal development. You keep moving forward.

You now KNOW at a deep level that you can only fail if you quit.

It’s not uncommon to see people become unstoppable once they’ve attained a certain level of success. Let’s face it, it’s easy to be unstoppable once you’ve reached the top of your pay plan and built a large organization. It’s easy to be unstoppable when you enjoy the financial security and abundance that success can provide.

The trick is to capture this posture today! And capture it regardless of your ‘rational evidence,’ meaning regardless of your past, and regardless of where you are today on your journey to the top. Do you get it?

When this posture is captured and embraced, I’ve seen it drive emerging leaders to the point of high achievement at record-breaking speed. Their posture becomes the spark that creates their success in attracting just the right kind of customers and business partners they are looking for. And the best part is: their posture attracts whether they realize it or not.

As you move forward – as you learn to harness this posture – the door will open for coincidence, synchronicity, unexpected connections and just plain WOW moments that can accelerate your success, seemingly “out of the blue.”

I’m telling you: This is powerful stuff! And it’s exactly what I wish for you!