A phrase that continues to motivate me is, “Be the Leader you’re looking for!”  It reminds me that my personal leadership skills will help me attract other like-minded people. This is a powerful concept for Direct Sellers and entrepreneurs.

How would you rate your leadership skills?  Are you the type of leader others want to follow?  Are you developing and duplicating leaders in your organization? Are you leading with courage, optimism, and flexibility in the current pandemic environment?

Jim Rohn, one of my favorite personal empowerment coaches, liked to say, “Leadership is your challenge to be something more than average.”

When Jim says, “our challenge to be something more than average,” he confirms that leadership is our challenge to step into our greatness.  It’s easy to settle for average.  It takes courage and commitment to strive for greatness!

As you move into the last quarter of 2021, now is the time to continue to define your own personal leadership style.  As you do, take these three facets of leadership into consideration:

Leadership is a process:  a learned skill through systematic actions.  Your leadership abilities will evolve as you master your business model and in turn, teach others to do the same.  This will be your foundation.

Leadership is a mindset: a mindset that begins with belief and expands with commitment.  Regardless of the size of your organization today, your mindset should reflect the attitude of leadership.  This will help develop your posture.

Leadership is a choice: and this I know for sure!  Over the years I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to interview countless top achievers.  When asked if they could identify one specific decision or action that propelled them to the top, every single one of them said that at one point in time, they made the decision to succeed, they made the choice to be a top achiever.

So, if Leadership is a choice, why not ask yourself: Is this your time?  Have you made the commitment to tap into your unrealized potential and create Outrageous Achievement?  If so, then now is the time to act!

With a renewed commitment to leadership development, you open the door to unlimited possibilities.  Yes, it takes courage.  And I am confident you are up to the challenge!

Be the leader you’re looking for! 

Find the courage to lead and experience the empowerment of being the best you can be!

When working with Direct Sellers dedicated to building a large and successful organization, I hear one consistent comment around Leadership. Regardless of where they are on the journey, when it comes to their ambition to be an effective leader, many just can’t seem to bring that vision into clear focus.

The dialogue usually begins with: “I want to be a strong leader! I really do!”

“I am a capable leader … in my job,” “… in my family,” “…in my church,” or “… in my community,” and yet, “I am frustrated at my inability to be a leader in my business.”

And this is usually followed up with, “If I could only get a team, I know I would be a great leader!”

In this scenario, the experiential piece of leadership is missing. In these other areas of your life, you most likely walked into an established group of people who were WAITING to be led.   With your Direct Selling business, you get to enjoy the unique benefits of working with the like-minded people you ATTRACT.

How do you develop your attracting magnet?  By developing an attracting attitude.

Many emerging leaders have no awareness of the power of an attracting attitude.  They believe their ability to effectively lead will come from developing more skills.

This is a common blind spot for Direct Sellers who wish a team would just show up. The challenge is not in your leadership skills, but in your willingness to do what it takes to attract a team.   In other words – your leadership attitude!

What if you were able to see things differently? What if in reality, rather than skill, you discovered that the most important aspect to effective leadership is attitude? Your skill can be developed over time. Your attitude can be adjusted in one moment of clarity!

Throughout history, when we look to the women and men who are considered ‘great leaders,’ we discover they share many common characteristics. When viewed through the lens of leadership, it becomes clear that rather than skill, attitude is the fine print to authentic leadership.

Thought leader Brian Tracy sums it up succinctly when he says, “Your attitude is an expression of your values, beliefs and expectations.”

What are your expectations for your business?  Are you with a company that sparks your dreams for a new life?  Do you have a product or service you believe can truly make a difference in people’s lives?  Has your business model and pay plan created financial abundance for those leaders who walked the path ahead of you?

With the right attitude and commitment to action, you can follow their lead and move in the direction of your dreams.