When you’re uncertain about your life purpose, it affects how you run your business. Regain your clarity and outrageous achievement can be yours!

Achieve Your Best with a Clear Life Purpose


Define Your Life Purpose

Finding your life’s purpose is a continual journey. Sometimes you enjoy clarity, yet often competing priorities can leave us uncertain about our next steps. Think about these questions:

  • Do you wake up some mornings wondering what you’re doing with your business?
  • Do you easily lose focus when working?
  • Are you frequently distracted?
  • Do you take days or even weeks off from your business without taking any action?
  • Are you wasting time?
  • Do you feel like you are stuck and unable to move forward?

Losing touch with your life purpose is more than just losing your mojo. It’s like steering a ship without a compass—or even a clear destination. As the captain of your business, you are putting yourself and your employees in a precarious situation. Without realizing it, you could be sailing into treacherous waters.

Perhaps you’ve been asking yourself questions like “Why can’t I get motivated?” or “How have I lost my sense of meaning?”

In the end, it can be as simple as lacking the necessary clarity to move forward. You may have lost your Reason Why. If so, it’s time to find it. A single question can make it happen for you!

Getting Back on Track to Find and Fulfill Your Purpose in Life

business conference presentation with team training flipchart office | To Discover Your Life Purpose, Ask Yourself This One Question

One of the most important exercises to get unstuck, pick up the pace, and know your life purpose is to create clarity around your Reason Why. Successful people are crystal clear on exactly what is driving them emotionally to develop a successful business or career.

To lead you back to your purpose, ask yourself this essential question: What is my Reason Why for starting and building my business?

Now, stop rolling your eyes. I know what some of you are thinking. “Leslie, I wrote down my Reason Why when I started my business. I know what it is. And, really, what makes you think this is going to help me get unstuck? Everyone talks about their why. Enough with the why already!”

Here’s my simple response: “Never underestimate the importance of having a rock-solid and ever-expanding Reason Why for building your business.”

Have you thought about this? If money were no obstacle, how would your life look? Would your kids go to the same schools? Would you live in the same neighborhood? What would your vacations look like? What car would you drive? Would you be free from debt? In other words, what would a successful business do for your life, your family’s life, and your lifestyle?

Great achievement in any endeavor begins with clarity about your Reason Why. And your Reason Why drives the What and the How in your business.

Make a Change in Your Life with These Steps

Here are action steps you can take immediately to rediscover your life purpose and claim your full potential:

1. On paper, revisit your Reason Why to regain fresh clarity on what is driving you to build your business. You may say, “It’s already in my mind, Leslie. I don’t need to write it down.” You can keep the information in your thoughts, but I highly suggest you document your thoughts. First, words (or images) are powerful. People learn faster and understand better when they have visual cues. Second, and more importantly, you can use what you’ve written as your reference for strategic business planning or as a guide for critical decision-making. And as circumstances change and you re-assess your goals, you can refer to your notes.

2. Choose some key people in your life and share your why. You will find it much easier to stay on track when you’re not doing it alone. Declare your purpose out loud in front of your team, key business partners, or an accountability partner. Let them share their thoughts and then listen to their opinions. Remember that two or even three heads are always better than one. Collaboration creates genius.

3. If you are building a team, make sure they establish their Reason Why and share it with you. Individual, as well as team clarity will be the blueprint for your success. It’s essential you work with individuals who share the same business goals and vision.

The Impact of Committing to a Mission Statement

When you take the time to create clarity around your vision and personal mission and clearly define your Reason Why, you learn to understand what drives you. You know what you want to attract into your life and what your dreams are for the future. This clarity will help you find the discipline to joyfully, authentically, consistently, and enthusiastically take immediate action to create success—in other words, your Reason Why drives the What to Do Next and the How to Do It.

It’s important to also understand the Reason Why of your business partners and/or employees. By understanding what drives them and what their dreams are, you can help align their Reason Why with your business goals. This empathy and connection are key leadership skills and will help you guide your team through the ups and downs of their journey.


This Reason Why exercise supports entrepreneurs who want to achieve their goals. At the same time, it allows you to create a culture where working together moves everyone toward fulfilling their personal and professional dreams and goals.

Have you lost or reclaimed your life purpose? What is the Reason Why behind your business? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Up Next: Create A Message Of Belief


Editor’s Note: This article was published on June 26, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.