Every December, I look for a theme to carry into the New Year.  I don’t force it, I simply stay open to inspiration from something I read or hear, or a compelling thought comes into my mind.

I always seem to recognize it when it presents itself.  It’s a fun exercise and I enjoy the process.

Over the last few weeks, a phrase has continued to come to mind.  The spark of unlimited possibility it creates in me is hard to ignore.

My theme for 2018 is “An open mind will open doors.”

In my experience, doors leading to the dreams I desire can present themselves in ways other than what I expected or visualized.  And when I don’t keep my mind open … I can miss the moment, the person, the book, the social event, the class or the introduction … the exact door I was looking for.

I miss it because my mind is not open to anything other than my initial vision.   And so I miss the door because it doesn’t come in the form I imagined.

In other cases, the door presents itself after a loss, a disappointment or a major life change.   And so I miss the door because I’m too shut down in grief, anger or fear.

In either case, I miss the opportunity to open a door that could turn my dreams into reality.

As I prepare to move into 2018 … my intention is to keep my mind open so I don’t miss the doors … I don’t miss opportunities for change, growth, health, new experiences, love and success.

How often do we ask for what we want … better health, loving relationships, success and achievement … and then miss the doors that would open up to exactly what we want?

For me the key to these doors is monitoring my thoughts.  I do my best to focus on what I want … rather than on my fears and what I don’t want.

Some daily affirmations of mine are:

  • “The perfect people, situations and opportunities will present themselves … and I will be open, recognize them and act upon them.”
  • “Something magical will happen today.”
  • “I shine my light on everyone today.”
  • “New is good. Change is good.
  • “I have no limits. I design my life on my terms.”

What are your thoughts as you turn to the New Year?  Are you focused on scarcity, fear and lack?  Or are you focused on abundance, courage and unlimited possibilities?

Our life is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs.  Doors can open for us everyday.   As we move into 2018 … let’s all find the courage to keep our minds open and walk through the doors of possibility.