The Power of Pace, Part 3

It’s the beginning of October.  The beginning of the last quarter of the year. How are you tracking towards your year-end goals? Does your business, or the business of your team, need some course correction?

Now is the time to correct the course of your business.

There are two business activities completely under your control, and the control of each of your partners: 1) The number of new people you talk to; 2) How fast you talk to them.

If you’re dissatisfied with the pace of your business, the reason usually comes down to these two key indicators. You just aren’t talking to enough new people, or you just aren’t talking to them quickly enough. You may think you are, but if your results are lackluster, your perception may not match reality.

Bring your prospecting pace up to the level necessary to reach your goals.

This dilemma was perfectly expressed when I interviewed an emerging leader who had promoted to the top of her pay plan.  The pace of her business had increased dramatically in the few months leading up to her promotion, and so I was curious about what, if anything, she had done differently.

When I asked her what caused the shift in her business, she responded with one of the best quotes I have ever heard on the subject: “I was convinced that I was talking to enough people, until I actually started talking to enough people.”

Right? Go back and read it again. Yes, it’s even better the second time around!

There is no magic bullet in the direct selling profession – but if there were one, this would be it.

These are the questions to ask yourself: Are you satisfied with the pace of your business? If not, are you convinced you are talking to enough people?

Now is the time to take a powerful Sprint.

If the answer to either question is “No,” now is the time for short-term massive action. Now is the time to reach out to more people than ever before. And now is the time to encourage your team members to do the same. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it will make to close the last quarter of the year with a lift in your results. Just think how inspirational that will be for everyone as they close the year with powerful momentum – a momentum that will give them an amazing boost for next year, too!

Here is a simple plan of action to take starting today:

  1. Tap into your “Why” for inspiration.
  2. Make your social media posts authentic, compelling and consistent.
  3. Refresh your story so you have something authentic to say.
  4. Create a strategic list of 25 people to reach out to.
  5. Schedule time in your calendar for your Direct Selling business.
  6. Schedule time for three-way calls with your sponsor or upline leader.
  7. Pick up the phone and TAKE ACTION!


When you and your team start talking to enough new people on a consistent basis, you’ll all increase the pace of your businesses, improve your 4th quarter sales, and move confidently towards meeting or exceeding your 2023 goals!