Do you believe in Gratitude?

Most likely you’ve heard the sage advice: “Live with an Attitude of Gratitude.” It’s easy to declare your belief in Gratitude, and yet, if your thoughts don’t back up your words, you will never access its power.

Many people focus on what they don’t have or what’s lacking in their life. This puts the Law of Attraction into play in the opposite direction of what they truly want. Remember Rhonda Byrne’s advice: “What you think about MOST, you bring about.” If you are focused on lack, you’ll attract more lack. Conversely, if you’re focused on Abundance, you’ll invite more of that into your life.

Making a daily list of things you are grateful for is a simple yet mighty way to tap into the power of Gratitude. Simply list five (or more) things in your life you are grateful for. Then, first thing, every morning, when you wake up, say OUT LOUD: “I am incredibly grateful for [___].” You can say all of them, one of them, or some of them – whatever you prefer, as long as you are consistent. Do this for 15 days.

Here is an additional strategy to access the power of Gratitude: Having Gratitude for people, situations, and opportunities that are not yet a reality, and feeling grateful as if they’re already in your life. Gratitude for things you want – before you have them – expedites the attraction process.

Start by listing five or more future Wants or Desires. Say OUT LOUD: “I am so incredibly grateful for [____]” … as if it is already yours. Again, it can be all or some of the things on your list, but always do this first thing in the morning – for 15 days.

If you have stayed with the practice and did not let a day slide; then about day 15, notice what is joyously different in your life, and take note of it in your journal.

When you lead with Gratitude, and focus on what is working in your life, you take charge of your thoughts; you are empowered to take Action and design the life that before you only dreamed could be.