The Power of Pace, Part 2


Last time, we looked at the benefits of getting off to a fast start. Today we consider the question: Why don’t more people get off to a fast start?

I believe most new Direct Sellers don’t get off to a fast start because they’re NOT TOLD TO.  What? I know, crazy right?

For many people new to the profession, they hesitate in teaching their company’s fast start program. They make the detrimental assumption that their new partner just can’t handle hearing what it takes to create success. They want to be “nice.”

“I don’t want her to feel overwhelmed!”  “She has too much on her plate already!” “I don’t want to scare her!” “I don’t want to be pushy!”

“I don’t ….” “I don’t ….” “I don’t ….”

What about THEM? It’s not about you and your prejudgments – it’s about what they want to achieve with THEIR business.

My question has always been:  Why is it nicer to coach them to go slow (and potentially fail) than to coach them on how to be successful? The answer: It isn’t!


How did you start your business?

Think about your own experience. Did you get off to a fast start? If you did, do you remember the elation and pride you felt as you got your first taste of success?

And what if you got off to a slow start?  How did that feel? Was it frustrating to have success seem just out of reach? If so, is that what you want to duplicate for your new business partner?

Regardless of your pace when you started, you want to effectively support them and show them their many options.

The first 30 days of your new business partners’ career is a pivotal time. It just makes sense to teach them how to achieve your fast start/quick start program.


Reinforce the Power of Pace

When you take advantage of your company’s fast start program or a quick start strategy, you don’t have to reinvent the leadership wheel. This is a proven method that, when put into play within a designated period of time, reinforces and rewards the many benefits of getting off the starting line fast.

The best advice you can give a new partner who is excited about building their business is to GO FAST! If applicable, recommend they commit to following your company’s fast-
start program with every intention of meeting or exceeding the initial goals.

By following a simple and proven fast-start program, everyone has the ability to experience success, and early success fuels the fire of BELIEF!

You owe it to your new business partners to show them the possibilities for achievement. And as they begin their business; these possibilities can become a reality.


Your New Fast Start

If you didn’t get off to a fast start, don’t feel you have to duplicate that slower pace, and please let go of any unnecessary judgment. Who knows? Maybe you weren’t as coachable as you are now. Maybe life’s distractions didn’t allow you to properly focus at the time. Maybe your belief in the business (and in yourself) wasn’t as strong as it is now.

And honestly, your reasons don’t matter. Even if you set the world’s record for getting off to the slowest start possible, let it go. Today’s a new day.

With that in mind, I’d like to offer you this proven strategy: Pretend you were just enrolled into your business today. Take the next 30 to 60 days and commit to achieving the exact activities laid out in your company’s fast start program.

Why is this a good idea? First, you can use this technique to jump-start your own business. Second, you will familiarize yourself with the programs you will be teaching. Third, when you realize how well these programs work, you’ll be fully converted to the Power of Pace!

In essence, this is your chance to reset the clock, set a new pace, re-craft your story, and become confident in training your fast start program. This is a proven method for not only resetting your pace – but your attitude as well.

When you leverage the Power of Pace, and teach your team to do the same, together you will move faster to the top of your pay plan!

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the Power of Pace!