When it comes to reaching your goals or making a shift, in any area of your life, do you wake up some mornings wondering, “What the heck am I doing?” Do you find yourself questioning almost every decision you make, and each action you take? Are you frustrated that you’re not moving forward? Or at least not at the clip you know you’re capable of? Do you wonder, “Is change even possible?”
When was the last time you tried something new? Got out of your comfort zone? Or took a bold risk? Have you lost your passion and enthusiasm, and replaced them with complacency and boredom? If so, how did that happen? Why did that happen? And what is the solution?
I’m going to give you the Secret Sauce: One of the best ways to expedite overcoming your fears and limiting beliefs is to have a compelling WHY. With this WHY you’ll get unstuck more quickly and efficiently, then make a positive shift in any area of your life, be it your career, health, relationships, or creative expression.
Let’s take your career as an example. Consider this question: If time and money were no obstacle, how would your life look?
Let me help you out: Would you have the same job or career? Would your kids go to the same school? Would you live in the same neighborhood? What would your vacations look like? What car would you be driving? And how about debt – would that disappear?
In other words, what will higher income, advancement, and more success do for your life, your family’s life, and your lifestyle?
When you envision all those important areas of your life, clarity arises almost automatically – the kind of clarity that inspires you to shift your perspective and make the right moves.
When you DO NOT have a clear and compelling WHY, it’s easy to be in denial. It’s easy to settle for the status quo. It’s easy to avoid those situations that stretch you, or make you uncomfortable. It’s easy to make excuses. It’s easy to procrastinate. And it’s easy to avoid taking decisive action. It’s easy to quit.
When you DO have a clear and compelling WHY, it becomes a driver of behavior – a motivator when you’re feeling down or disappointed. Your clear and compelling WHY will stimulate your belief, your consistency, your vision, your confidence, and your courage. Your WHY will motivate you to take the necessary actions to create success.