It’s a unique time of year for staying committed to your business! It can be difficult to discipline yourself during the holidays. And the test of your resolve is how well you handle distractions. How do you keep your focus? How do you continue to put consistent effort into your business and work in tandem with the distractions?
The dictionary defines distraction as something that divides the attention or prevents concentration. Another definition for distraction is something that amuses or entertains. Let’s face it, a holiday photo should be next to the word in the dictionary, because there is no time of the year more distracting!
But another definition for distraction is something that amuses or entertains. Isn’t that interesting? Distractions are a mix of perceived good and bad. Something that can prevent concentration as well as amuse or entertain.
Let’s consider your distractions this week, because you may have several going on at the same time: Winter break with kids home from school, Christmas or Hanukkah, New Years, probably some sort of travel or vacation – and some people really like to top it off with a wedding or ending and/or beginning a new job!
But let’s face it, the calendar is packed with distractions. New Year is quickly followed by Valentine’s Day, spring break, Memorial Day, summer vacation, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving… and pretty soon we’re right back to the last half of December.
I mean, really, it’s a wonder we get anything done with all of these distractions!
You know what? The moral of the story is this: LIFE is a distraction. And the Direct Sellers who truly want to reach the top of their pay plan learn to accept and understand that All Distractions Are Equal.
Our ability to deal with life, while still finding ways to stay involved and committed to our business, is the key to high achievement.
Building a business is a process, which takes absolute consistency. When you go a week, a month, two months without talking to people, it’s like starting all over again each and every time. It’s excruciating and truly takes all the fun out of the business.
You must learn early on to weave your business through distractions like thread through a needle.
I highly suggest you write down the phrase, All Distractions Are Equal and post it where you can see it every day, because this week is not the only week you’ll encounter that’s full of distractions.
With awareness, commitment, and a focused mindset, you will successfully ride any wave of distraction and become unstoppable!
You’ll be saying, “Bring on the distractions!” With the right attitude … nothing can keep you from your ultimate goal! And isn’t that inspiring?