Most committed Direct Sellers set a goal to work their way to the top of the pay plan. And why not? It just makes sense to leverage your plan and maximize your financial rewards.

There is a well-known phrase by the legendary motivational speaker, Zig Zigler, that reminds us, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.”

That’s the foundational energy behind promoting in title.  By helping your business partners meet their goals, you meet your goals. This keeps your team motivated AND gives them a great story to share with their own prospects. You want your team story to be one everyone tells proudly and effectively.

But here’s a question to consider: Have you ever promoted in title only to find yourself in the following month(s) unable to maintain your new title?  How does that happen?  Well, of all the reasons why, here are the top three:

Complacency: You’re so thrilled to have promoted in title, you can’t resist the urge to just hang out there, basking in your glory for a spell. You’ve forgotten that while, yes, you’ve reached an exciting milestone, it’s not your ultimate destination.

Denial: You actually believe that every one of your new business partners will have the discipline, courage, and commitment to continue to maintain their new title, and build their business. But that’s not always the case.

Managing:  You spend all your time working with your team to support their growth at the exclusion of your own personal prospecting.  Why do you do this?  Because it seems easier than doing those activities that helped you promote in the first place. 

For many, it’s only through that initial ‘demotion’ in title that we begin to understand how tenuous our new title can be.  And who wants to go backwards after the effort and commitment to move to the next level?  You don’t want to lose the additional income or send the wrong message to your team.

So how do you strike a balance that effectively supports the concept of ‘promote and maintain?’  You divide your time equally between personal sponsoring and working with your team.

The concept of Promote and Maintain is a critical component to building stability and sustainability into your organization. It’s a behavior you can instill in your team through personal example and coaching, and then duplicate through repetition of messaging and training.

Success comes from finding a balance – or a rhythm.

The rhythm is Promote – Maintain … Promote – Maintain. You promote in title, then maintain that title until you promote your way to the next one.

You accomplish this by keeping your focus on personal prospecting ALONG with team development, each and every month.

So remember: if you coach your Leaders to Promote and Maintain you’ll effectively lead your team to meet their goals, and in turn, you’ll meet yours.

And it won’t always be easy!  With the myriad of responsibilities to reach out, follow-up, mentor and support, it’s easy to lose your balance.  Begin each day with the commitment to maintain your current title.  The activities to support that goal should revolve around personal prospecting and team support.

And as you begin to master this balancing act to ‘promote and maintain’ your title, you’ll teach your team to do the same.  In the long run, this will result in retention, financial rewards and leadership development as your team grows.

Teaching your leaders to ‘Promote and Maintain’ is a proven method to embrace Zig’s attitude of abundance. As you effectively lead your team to meet their goals, you will in turn meet yours. So, keep the rhythm as you promote and maintain – all the way to the top!