Have you ever really lost it?  I mean become so upset, disappointed or aggravated at a situation that you became emotionally paralyzed?

On the other hand, have you ever been so over the moon with enthusiasm and excitement that you simply lost your presence of mind?

The constant reactive teeter-totter of emotions can be both thrilling and draining.  And unfortunately, whether you’re thrilled or drained, those overwhelming emotions are likely to distract you from doing what you need to do to increase the pace of your business!

To celebrate Independence Day, I’d like to suggest that you declare your freedom from those distractions. Declare your independence from the tyranny of your emotions. This requires a renewed and powerful mindset, and the understanding that your emotions only have the power you give them.

Let’s review two simple and proven methods for overcoming your self-imposed limiting beliefs and staying even emotionally:

Strategy #1:

Many of us aspire to be the best we can be. It’s easy to get clear on the benefits for creating success … or your ‘why.’  And you certainly can learn the systems or activities necessary for creating success … the ‘how.’

The trick is to connect the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ together!  What stops us? I believe you run into a wall of limiting beliefs – and it’s a wall you have built yourself!

“I’m not smart enough, pretty enough, educated enough, old enough, young enough, experienced enough … ‘you fill in the blank’ enough.

Knock down that wall by identifying your fears and limiting beliefs.  And then, you find the courage to take action to overcome them. It’s about changing your mind and believing in yourself, instead of believing the negative stories you’ve made up about yourself.

When we declare our independence from limiting beliefs, we can ride a roller coaster of emotions and still stay even, which brings us to…

Strategy #2:

I remember my mentor’s advice when I was spun up about something, and it was obvious to her (not me) that my over-reaction was holding me back. She told me to stay even. To not get too high when something good happens, or too low when something disappointing happens.

Now I know the trick is to stay even emotionally regardless of the circumstances.  Life happens … it’s how we respond that makes the difference!

For example, don’t get too high when you sponsor that new Consultant who promises to reach the top of the plan in record time!  Now, this person may have great social skills, she’s articulate, she seems coachable, she has a large, attentive sphere of influence, she has an attracting personality, she has the funds to get started and she is crystal clear on her reason for building a successful business.  Shazam!  Your excitement level is over the top!  Straight-jacket crazy excited!  Lesson:  Too high … not even.

What if this new partner doesn’t deliver on her promises?  Perhaps she begins talking to friends and three people say, “Boo,” and she quits before she even starts.  Your level of disappointment is so paralyzing you wind up fetal on the floor.  Lesson:  Too low … not even.

Try the “maybe” strategy to help you step back and stay emotionally even. “Maybe” reminds you of the uncertainties in any situations and allows you to respond from a position of emotional independence.

“Maybe” she will be a great business partner. How will you work to make that relationship a reality?  “Maybe” she won’t live up to her potential. How will you help her overcome her uncertainty, or perhaps let her go with non-judgment?

When you learn to stay even, you’ll be a more effective leader, a more successful entrepreneur and a happier person! Emotional independence can be yours!