Take Action NOW to Make July a Champion’s Month!

With just a few days left in the month, it’s time to take a snap shot of your business and take action based on that snap shot. Your commitment to action over the next few days can make the difference between an average month and a Champion’s month!

And July should be a Champion’s month, as it jumpstarts your 3rd Quarter 90-Day period from July through September.

This is not a time for complacency … it’s the wrong time to slow down … and a bad time to get distracted! This is the time to ACT! And never forget that you don’t need 40 hours a week to be wildly successful. It’s what you do in the hours you have that make the difference.

Take a Snap Shot NOW:
With the last few days pending … take a look at the gauges that reflect your productivity and those of your team. Here are some examples:

  • Personal Sales
  • Personal Group or Team Volume
  • Organizational Volume
  • # of prospects in your funnel
  • Hours scheduled to work your business
  • # of three-way calls scheduled
  • # of events scheduled
  • # of people sponsored so far this month
  • # of qualified legs at this time

Take Action:
Don’t settle for minimum goals. After taking a snap shot, embrace urgency, ask the smart questions and take action!

  • What are my next steps?
  • Who is ready to enroll now?
  • Who is ready to buy now?
  • Who are my key prospects and how will I reach out to them?
  • Where will my next referral come from?
  • What event or incentive can I promote?
  • Who can I help reach their goals?

Now is the time! Begin with the commitment to increase your activity from the prior month and then enthusiastically move forward.

  • Don’t be satisfied … be inspired!
  • Don’t be complacent … be on fire!
  • Don’t settle … strive for more!


Next, Create 3rd Quarter Momentum

Your first step for the next few days is to close the month ON PURPOSE and set yourself up for Outrageous Achievement in the months to come. It’s especially important in July, when success supports your goal for a Record-Breaking Summer Season.

Then revisit your 3rd quarter plan. Yogi Berra said it best: “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

To meet and exceed your goals for the Summer Season, it’s imperative to know where you’re going. And a proven solution is to implement a 90-Day Action Plan. You most likely set this up in June.

I love working a 90-Day plan. It’s popular for many reasons. For one, it conforms to the quarters of the year and the seasons of the calendar. There is comfort and familiarity with a three-month period.

Additionally, 90 days is not too long. It’s not as if you’re committing to do something for one year, two years or five years. Anyone can commit to 90 days!

So it’s not too long and yet, it’s long enough. Consistent activity over 90 days is long enough to create new habits, new skills and new growth. This can result in an increase in sales, sponsoring, volume and income.

Tailor your 90-day plan to work with your company’s business system and pay plan. Work with your Sponsor or upline leader to set your goals for the Summer Season, and implement a 90-Day Action Plan to bring those goals to fruition.

Let’s sum this up with a quote from Jim Rohn, one of my favorite thought leaders:

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”

It’s time to take action and create your record breaking Summer Season!