As we continue with the theme of Passion this month, we’d have to agree that most of us have experienced losing or deserting a passion, or avoiding a passion we’ve longed for but never tried. More often than not, our excuse falls into one of three categories: Time / Money / Belief.

Here’s a question I often ask my audience. “What do you love to do, but are NOT doing it because you think you don’t have the time or money?”

Whenever I ask this, hands shoot into the air. People shout out their passions: “Dance!” “Go hiking!” “Play the piano!” “Garden!” “Photography!” “Surfing!” “Travel!” “Cooking class!” “Ski Aspen!” “Off-roading!” and yes, “Parachuting!” … their answers go on and on.

“I don’t have the time,” is the #1 excuse people use to explain why they’re not having enough fun. “It costs too much,” is #2.

Time and money.

And what about belief? Are you hesitating to pursue a passion because you don’t believe you can do it, or you worry that if you do try, you won’t be very good at it? Or how about the granddaddy excuse: “I’m too old for something like that.”

Let’s look at these three common excuses and some easy solutions:

Time: Your excuse: “I’m just too busy!” Or, “Too many projects on my plate,” Or, “Can’t afford to take the time off – I’ll never be able to catch up if I do!” etc. etc.

Solution: The time will never come to you of its own accord. You need to schedule it.

Go to your calendar right now and write in a specific time, each week or each month, that you are going to devote to your passion. And when that day and time comes, stop whatever work or project you’re involved in, and go for it!

Money: This excuse is the obvious: “How can I afford that?”

Solution: Budget your passion. How? Create a separate Passion Account where each week you put $X dollars out of your paycheck into it. When it reaches the cost of your passion, go crazy!

Belief: This excuse is plain ol’ self-sabotage: I’m too “old,” “shy” “weak” “inexperienced.” “Why would I try something new at this stage of my life?”

Solution: Ignore your excuses and just have fun. Whatever it is, you don’t have to become a “master” at it. Hell, you don’t even have to get good at it. You just need to do it. If it brings you enjoyment, then keep doing it.

Life is short enough as it is. Do not extinguish your Passion with fears, doubts, or excuses. Ignite it with courage, belief, and action. When you live with Passion, you live your best life.


My latest passion? The launch of my new book, Outrageous Achievement, on February 23. I’m so excited to share it with you – sign up now to get a free excerpt and Bonus Materials!