It’s time to go beyond positive thinking and make a change to be your best self today.

How to Be Your Best Self by Conquering the Fear of Change


The Bad Thing About Being Comfortable

Simple living lifestyle woman relaxing peace | Aspire To Be Your Best Self

Take a look at your life and ask what’s stopping you from being your best self. Are there areas where you feel dissatisfied? Would you like things to be different in your well-being, relationships, business, personal growth, or work? How long have you been losing your passion? Why haven’t you changed your mindset?

A lot of people like the status quo. We like being in our comfort zone. We like our habits, rituals, and behaviors.

Occasionally, we say we want to experience change, yet we don’t do anything about it. Our fear of change gives us the ability to make poor choices. We are all talk and no action.

It is this fear that supersedes our purpose, dreams, or goals for success and a better life. We settle because things are “good enough.”

Stuck with Bad Habits

We all seem to have friends who refuse to change their bad habits. They don’t exercise or stop drinking/smoking. They don’t modify their situation until a doctor tells them their only choice is to either change their habits or face the dire consequences of medications, limited mobility, hospitalization, or even premature death.

The doctor’s frightening prediction of a shortened life full of suffering causes many to get rid of negative thoughts in their mind, focus their efforts to achieve happiness, and finally make a change.

Why do so many of us have to hit rock bottom in our journey before we do something? Why can’t we resist our fear of change at an earlier time before the pain peaks?

Kill Your Fear and Learn How to Become Your Best Self

Businesswoman meeting couple sign financial contract | Aspire To Be Your Best Self

Think about your life. Ask yourself this question: Do you aspire to be average and just good enough? Do you aspire to be your best self?

Fear of change can dissolve your aspirations and purpose before they have a chance to bloom. You reinforce that fear with excuses you start to believe.

“I’m too old or too young, too tired, not smart enough, not experienced enough, too late, (or too early) to make a change in my life.”


As you move to make changes in your life, you can learn to stop shrinking or playing small. Be your best self! When it comes to expressing your unrealized potential and unique talents, you can overcome the fear of change without hitting rock bottom and sacrificing your dreams.

What are your tips to become your best self so you can focus on reaching your goals? Share them in the comments section below!

Up Next: How To Go From Good Enough To Great


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on November 14, 2018, and has been edited for quality and relevancy.