Many of us don’t aspire to be average or just good enough.  When we make a commitment to create something we are passionate about … we aspire to be the best we can be.

It’s easy to get clear on the benefits for creating success, or the WHY to. And we certainly can learn the systems or activities necessary for creating success, or the HOW to.

The trick is to connect the WHY with the HOW! So, what keeps that from happening? It’s all about mindset.  When we are unable to make this connection, I believe it’s because we’ve run into a wall of fears and limiting beliefs.  And it’s a wall we have built ourselves, brick by brick.

What is your story today?  “I’m too old, too young, too tired, not smart enough, not experienced enough, too late, too early.”

You CAN knock down your wall of limiting beliefs.  The wrecking ball jolts you with a dose of awareness, a shift in your mindset and the courage to take action!

The dose of awareness: Figure out where in your life you’d like to make a change.  As you consider what’s not working … find strength to make a change by focusing on what is working in your life.

A shift in your mindset: We can’t control what happens in life, but we can control how we respond.  Take charge of your mind through a daily personal development practice that affirms a positive attitude

Courage to take action: The longer we delay, the harder it gets.  You don’t have to cross the finish line today, you just need to step over the starting line.

When we shift our mindset and change the way we think … we can redesign our life.

I challenge you to begin today to access your wrecking ball.  Knock down your walls then step over the rubble and into the life of your dreams.