Have you ever experienced a month where you were not consistent with your activities and so found yourself in the last few days of the month scrambling uncontrollably to make something happen?

I call this response your “Exorcist” impersonation. Your head starts spinning around, your eyes roll back in your head, and you may even drool a little!  You expend a lot of desperate energy trying to create new volume and usually wind up simply meeting your minimum goals and qualifications. This can take all the fun out of your business.

So how do you avoid this scenario? Remember that you are paid on the volume created during each commission month. If you look at the month as a finite period of time in which to excel, it makes sense to leverage every single day as effectively as possible. In other words, if you have the whole month, use the whole month!

There are proven strategies to Master your Month … and since it’s March 13 … this seems like a good time to talk about the benefits of purposefully setting goals for creating Mid-Month Volume.

Consistency is the differentiating factor between feeling desperate and out of control (“Exorcist” impersonation) and feeling confident and purposeful (working smart).

I challenge you to front-load the first two weeks of the month with as much activity as possible. We talked about this last week.

It just makes sense to take immediate action as the month begins with a goal to create a certain amount of volume by the 15th of each month. And your mid-month volume goal should definitely exceed whatever your minimum monthly requirements are.

Look at where your mid-month volume is today and write it down. Look back on what it’s been on the 15th of the month in each of the past six months. Now, set a NEW mid-month volume goal … based on your pay plan … to increase your mid-month volume over the next 60 days or sooner.

Declare it to yourself and your Sponsor or upline leader. For example:

“My mid-month volume goal is for my Personal Team Volume (use the language of your pay plan) to meet or exceed (volume goal) by (Month) 15, 2018.”

Imagine the difference in attitude, activity, volume, and income when you get in the rhythm of creating mid-month volume.

No more “Exorcist” impersonations for you.   Focus on the 15th and enjoy the benefits of meeting and exceeding your mid-month goals.

Make sure you got last week’s free worksheet and Tackle the Tough Stuff! https://qz246.infusionsoft.com/app/page/tackle-tough-stuff