When I began my sales career, my mentors insisted I embrace Personal Development. I’m happy I took their advice. The first book I read was The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay, and her words made an immediate impact. For the first time, I became aware of my thoughts and my ability to direct them.

I suddenly understood that what I think about, I bring about, and this empowered me to design my life. I realized I could transform any area of my life, including my sales career, by shifting my mindset through the power of Personal Development.

With over two decades in sales, I’ve experienced many highs and lows of success. Yes, there were difficult times when I could have focused on all of the reasons why I should fail. But thanks to Personal Development, during those challenging times I was able to focus on all the reasons why I would persevere and create success. And as those cycles drew to a close, I found myself back on top. These experiences changed my perception of what I’m capable of and what’s truly possible.

Personal Development redefined me in every aspect of my life, not just in my career and business. Personal Development was the catalyst for my evolution into the woman I am today … and my continual growth.

Every day I continue to strengthen my commitment to not allow fears and limiting beliefs keep me from taking action. Regardless of knowing how to proceed or the ultimate outcome … I know I can choose to pursue any dream.

A recent example of this is my goal to deliver an impactful and inspiring TED talk. This is a big dream for me with the potential to elicit some hefty fears and limiting beliefs! Regardless, I included this goal in my 2017 business plan … and I continue to reinforce the idea through vision work in my journal.

In my January’s vision work I wrote, “I found the perfect mentor to guide me in taking my speaking career to the next level.” My list of goals included delivering a TED talk, launching my new book, having my own PBS special and joining Oprah ‘under the oaks’ on Super Soul Sunday. (Love it!)

Through my personal development practice, I’ve learned that I don’t have to know HOW things will happen. I simply must BELIEVE and ACT. And voila! In July, I met and hired the perfect expert to mentor me in creating my TED talk. I don’t know what the ultimate outcome will be … and yet, I am moving through the process with the intention of turning my dream into reality in 2017!

What dream are you avoiding due to fears or limiting beliefs? Is it time to take action? You don’t have to know how it will happen … you simply must believe and act. Through a daily personal development practice, your perception of what’s possible will expand and you’ll find the courage to act.